

 At Havannah we want our children to love  Spanish. We want to show pupils the links between knowledge, skills and real life opportunities, for them to have no limits to what their ambitions are. We want our children to grow up having the option to learn and embrace languages and inspire them to travel and absorb other cultures.

 We want them to embody our core values and encourage them to dream big!

  We have made it our aim to ensure that children experience engaging, memorable lessons in school. We want our children to leave Havannah with cherished memories and the ability to embrace the opportunities they are presented with in relation to Languages..


MFL at Havannah is based on the 2010 Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages whilst fulfilling the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum. The KS2 Framework aims to develop language learning across five areas:

  • Oracy
  • Literacy
  • Intercultural Understanding (IU)
  • Knowledge about Language (KAL)

Language Learning Strategies (LLS)

The IU, KAL and LLS strands should underpin everything we do in our MFL teaching. In  KS1 and LKS2, the focus is primarily on developing oracy, so that children are better prepared to develop their literacy skills in UKS2. 

I We use a scheme of work provided by Twinkl, this is implemented across all classrooms in KS2. Although not statutory KS1, we use La Jolie Ronde ’Little Languages’ at FS2 and KS1 to support discrete teaching and learning .The curriculum is a thematic curriculum, where similar topics are covered each year to reinforce and build on prior learning. 

Assessment takes the form of continuous AfL during lessons, mini-quizzes and language learning challenges to provide a rounded picture of children as linguists.

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Believeand Achieve
Havannah Primary School
Malhamdale Road, Congleton Cheshire CW12 2DF
School Office | Mrs Worrall • Mrs Martin 01260 542182