Religious Education

At Havannah Primary School our intention within Religious Education, is to develop within our pupils a deep sense of beliefs, practises and experiences of four key religions.

Our curriculum will nurture a deep sense of inquisitiveness and ingenuity within our pupils and enable children to make connections and transfer skills and knowledge to a variety of learning opportunities. Our uniquely creative curriculum will inspire our pupils, stimulate their curiosity of key religions by comparing and being inquisitive.

The aims of the RE curriculum at Havannah Primary School are for pupils to discover:


  • What are the beliefs, practices and experiences at the heart of the religions and worldviews being studied? What are the key stories?
  • Who are the crucial people whose lives and teaching exemplify those traditions?
  • In what creative ways do adherents express and live out their most deeply held convictions?
  • What about the nature of religion and belief itself? What are the big questions and how do different people set about answering them?

RE Curriculum overview 2023.png

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Havannah Primary School
Malhamdale Road, Congleton Cheshire CW12 2DF
School Office | Mrs Worrall • Mrs Martin 01260 542182