Reception - Mrs Fearn 2024 - 2025
Mrs Fearn
Welcome to Reception!
In Reception you will find Mrs Fearn, Miss Beresford and Mrs Coxhead.
Reception is an incredibly important year in a child's educational career, they establish school routines, develop independence and learn knowledge/skills that will form the foundations for their time in education. We aim to give the children the best possible start to their time at Havannah and work closely with parents/carers to ensure the transition to school is a smooth and happy one for the child and their family. We encourage parents/carers to engage with homework challenges with their child and instill a love of reading through sharing high quality children's stories with their child. In Reception all of the team love reading and are passionate about encouraging children to become enthusiastic readers.
In Reception we follow the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (EYFS), the curriculum was revised in 2021 and this is the first academic year we will be delivering the new curriculum. To supplement the statutory curriculum we will also be using the Development Matters document for additional ideas and milestone checks throughout the year. Alongside the change to the curriculum we also have new half termly topics.
- Autumn 1- All about me, my family, my home, the local area and people who help us.
- Autumn 2- Seasonal change Autumn-Winter, Christmas and how Christmas is celebration around the world.
- Spring 1- Multi-cultural traditional tales and fairy tales.
- Spring 2- Seasonal change- Spring and life cycles.
- Summer 1- Animals from around the world.
- Summer 2- Seasonal change- Summer and travel.
The EYFS adopts a learning through play approach to learning along with structured adult led teaching. We have lots of lovely resources in our classroom and outdoor area; we are always busy playing and learning together. We are lucky to have our own canopy that works as a freeflow extension to our classroom all year round, whatever the weather!
Ways you can communicate with the Reception team...
Proud Clouds-To record any wow/proud moments of your child's development, please write a Proud Cloud for them and hand them into one of the Reception team. Your child's proud cloud will be displayed in our classroom and then transferred into their learning journey at the end of each term. You can either pick up copies from the School Office or find the proud cloud document below that you can print off.
Class Dojo- You can send messages to me via Class Dojo if you ever have any questions and you can also upload your child's homework challenges in the form of photos, videos or notes to their online portfolio. Please also keep a close eye on our 'Class Story' on Class Dojo for weekly updates of what learning looks like in Reception and for any key information I share each week. In addition, I will also post a fortnightly class newsletter onto our class story on Class Dojo.
Other ways of communicating... Please do not hesitate to email, or speak to me in person, if you have any questions or queries.
My email address is:
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